Sunday, August 1, 2010

Making Your Own Choices

Temper, temper…..I hate it when someone throws a temper tantrum because you won’t accept their opinion as law; then delete you off their friends list because I won’t agree with you. We all make choices, informed and uninformed, but WE make them and we ALONE are responsible for the aftermath & the outcome of those choices. Anyone of my friends who has known me in depth for any amount of time knows, I will weigh in on your advice, but ultimately I will choose my own direction. It is called personal reasponability, I don’t need someone policing my choices or handing me propaganda based rhetoric to manipulate my choices. I read what I want, process what I deem important and move from there. End of story.

The last thing I want is to a have reformed junkie wannabe telling me what’s what in the world. How I should perceive things and try to sway my opinion using gross out tactics. I would never in my wildest dreams shove my opinion down a friend’s throat. I will speak my mind, but I would NEVER ask you to accept my opinion as law. I won’t be shy about telling you not to force things on me, and if you can’t handle raw honesty, then you can’t handle me.

For those of you who can’t make choices for yourself or allow others to manipulate them, I feel really sorry for you. Being led around by your nose, allowing others to do you thinking, who is accountable at that point for your choices? Do you even know? Maybe you’ll pass that responsibility off too. For those of you who seems to think only your opinion matters, find a hobby.

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