Monday, July 19, 2010's some damn dirty work

One thing I have learned over the years, is parenting is the most thankless job there ever will be. Sometimes you reap what you sew and other times it is endlessly rewarding. We all make choices and we make decisions we hope at the time are the right one. Never did I look at things lightly and hope they would work out, sleepless night after sleepless night filled my bedroom when I have doubts and or regrets. We are human and even on the best of days, we can never expect to be who in their right mind would expect their children to be perfect too?

There have been days that I wished I had not chosen to become a parent for whatever reasons filled my head at the time, but in the end it was I who ultimately chose to take on this daunting task, not my child. I have been disappointed, excited, proud, sad, and entertained. There have been days of disrespect from my child yet I am as equally guilty.

You are wrong, you are the “bad guy” you are misinformed and uncool. However, when the chips are down they cry for you, ask you to help them and after a time when is it no longer your obligation? It's not about obligation it's about unconditional love, and through everything time and time again, I know this is what I get and this is what I give

Never through all of these things have I ever believed I was in it for anything more than what it was. What would anyone think...there’s a medal to be won, awards, accolades???? If that what you thought, then you best re insert your head into your ass and give up parenting right now. It is an act of selfishness that we bring them into this world. It will take undue acts of selflessness, to achieve all that you intended or desired, even when they seem ungrateful.

If you weight it out in “I did this I did that, it cost this it cost that. What am I going to get in return???”...........nothing.....because THAT is what the pay scale for parenting is.

If you look at it as, “I have invested this time, love, effort, days off because they were too sick to go to school, Sundays at the beach, walks in the rain, art shows, poetry readings, trips to the library what am I going to get in return?”....maybe nothing, but you will always have the satisfaction in knowing you did the best you could with the time you were given with the life that you brought forth into the world.

These were just things I needed to say to the sperm donor who thinks 2 1/2 months of his "valuable" time...grants him undue love, respect, and the worlds' greatest dad trophy.

1 comment:

  1. this was something I shared on my Facebook, after my son's attempt to connect with his father & live in Windsor failed. My son in his own respect contributed to it's failure, but it wasn't him who wasted time that should have been spent nurturing and helping his son become the man his father perhaps thought he should be.


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